
Be what you can be with us!
eBen is a company built by the people and for the people. We engage people for a living.
We are your people's :)
Find your fit!
We cater to thousands of opportunities for companies and people to benefit every day. With eBen you can always find your best fit. We are your people's...
Simply, become...
Scale your care for the people who craft your success.
Benefit Providers are companies that aim to benefit their People, boost their engagement level, and harness their experience.
Select from a wide range of our products, services, and plans that suit companies of any size operating in any industry.
You can always start with Engagement Benefits Center (eBC-Standard), a white-labeled, Free-for-life Employee Discount platform, and let it be your game changer.
Scale your care to your people with initiatives that don't break the bank.
Differentiate your brand as an Employer.
Measure Employee Engagement Initiatives effectiveness and take proactive actions to improve.
Maintain a corporate culture that rewards performing people and supports their well-being.