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Partner Frequently Asked Questions

Partners are vendors who list their products and services on eBC as employee benefits. This page contains the most common questions they ask and objections they come up with during the partner aquistion process. 

If you are facing a qustion on an objection that you can't deal with, please, email the question to

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

If I sign up with, how many sales transactions are we going to make?


Explain how the engagement works and how we have been very successful with all our partners.

MUST: Mention that we have ZERO opt-outs from partners to date.



set the expectations of the partners that we are going to generate too many transactions or we are going to replace any marketing or sales strategy they have. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility across all the platforms we maintain. When you become an partner, you gain the trust and visibility of your end consumers (employees) very quickly. Your products/services will show on the platform companies promote to their employees as a benefit to them, products/services will be listed on the regular newsletter that goes to all our customer base twice a month and companies can purchase your products/services in bulk and many more activists all the time to promote these products/services to create traction for you.


We don't charge any sales commission or referral fees, so, we are not committed to generate a target sales number. You can view our platform as an exclusive market place that will push your brand to thousand of high-end and relevant customer base and provide your with a facility to run end-to-end sales process. At the end of the day, your brand will sell as good as your offer.


Although we don't guarantee any sales, we work closely with you and/or your team to promote your products/services to high-end employees who consume similar services from our platforms on daily basis. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

Can I pay the yearly Subscription in instalments?


Be very assertive on this one.

Make sure you get clear about the ability of the partner to pay the subscription. 


Spend too much time on negotiating this.


The yearly fees that you pay go to set up your account with We build pages for your brand and all the listed products/services on all the benefits centers we create for our current and future customers. This subscription is paid in advance yearly to build and maintain these pages.


I would like to remind you that we don't charge any sales or customer referral commissions for your transactions. There are no additional or any other hidden costs for listing your product/service as an employee benefit on our platform. 

ASK: Would the yearly subscription fees be a problem for your business financially now? 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

What do you want from me; I’m a very small vendor/supplier?


Assure the Partner that we already work with lots of

SMEs and Startups.



Give too many examples of irrelevalnt brands that partner might find it hard to relate their products/services to.

It is totally fine. We help partners like yourselves realize more revenue and market visibility by promoting your services directly to corporate consumers and reaching out to the fastest-growing market segment that is costly to tackle through a dedicated sales team or agents due to commissions and overhead charges. 

ASK: How much time, effort, and money do you need to spend to tie up with corporates employing high-end employees? will help materialize sales innovation using a new economical sales channel and utilize a user-friendly online sales platform that enables both B2C and B2C channels and at a fixed cost.

With us your market presence to a well-spending sector of consumers all the time. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

Is like the Entertainer/Groupon?


Inform the partner that we are similar in terms of listing but we deliver value on a corporate level. All our customers are corporates.


belittle competition.

Make sound like we are better than them.

Compare a lot.

Many people relate and see a similarities but no it is not the same. Actually, we operate quite differently. At we are an operational end-to-end solution of niche products and services for corporates across the region which includes schools, training & coaching, Insurance, medical services, etc among many other products & services. We are not B2C. We serve only a high-end segment of corporate employees. 

While discount aggregators (give examples) focus on B2C offerings, our solution is a fully-fledged HR solution that is a subscription-based model for companies; not individuals. Hence, the loyalty is transferred to the company and NOT a third party. 

Unlike discount aggregators, we are not open to mass public access. The big challenge vendors face with discount aggregators is that the loyalty of the end customer is created to the aggregator, not to the brand. as they all go public with the discount you offer, this may set your brand in a lower category from the perspective of the end-consumer. 

with, you get the trust factor built and magnified very quickly and will get the endorsement of the company for your brand to the employees of our clients. When you list your product/service, you will be one of the trusted providers to the companies we work with and their employees. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

How much discount do I have to give?


Explain the value of a larger discounted rate.

Give more options and Examples of previous listings.


Go into the process of comparing the partner's competition on the platform. 

Out of our experience, we know every business is different when it comes to giveing a discount or incetive to their customers. So, we do not nominate the percentage of the discount to be given by any partner. However, I have to tell you 5 points:

  1. As a vendor, you have to include a discounted price. We don't list any benefits without a discount percentage.

  2. Your product or service will sell as good as your discount. Every benefit listed on the platform is discounted.  From the perspective of the consumer (employees), they are visiting the platform to find products or services offered at a corporate rate.

  3. You may not be the only provider of this product or service on the platform. If you don't give an attractive discount, your competition will.

  4. At you are reaching to all the current and future clients and their employees at a fixed nominal cost. We don't charge sales commissions, per click, per view, per transaction fees or any other costs element. That is why we always request our partners to provide exclusive or the best possible discounts for our customer base. 

  5. If you are struggling to conclude a reduced price or a special corporate rate, our Partner Development team can help you do this. Once you subscribe and during the partner onboarding process, this team works closely with to design your benefit(s) and how they look on the platform. One of the topics they advise on is the corporate rate and discount percentage in the light of similar product listings. 

In the end of the day, this is totally your business decision. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

How will I know if a customer has come through


Emphasize that we have a very FLEXIBLE fulfillment order process that can sure any business. 


Promis that we will coordinate every deal personally with the supplier. 

Our solution eBC (Employee Benefits Centre) has a very flexible design. In call cases once the customer claims a benefit, they will get an email to confirm the claim. This can include a dynamic discount code, voucher, or contact information of your account administrator. During your partner onboarding process, our team will help you setup the best your account in the most suitable way that suites your service delivery model.


On the other hand, your account administrator will get a fulfillment order via email. This will be sent to your account administrator's email only. The fulfillment order email will include the user (employee) contact information and the benefit claim unique identifier. You will be able to identify and match the sales/orders by the fulfillment orders/unique codes provided to you. 

In all cases this is best presented by seeing the real system in action. For this we can organize a live dmo. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

Can you email me the names of the companies you currently work with?


Be brief about this. 

Confirm that it we are legally binded and can't have this done. 

Mentional few customer names for reference.


Encourge the partner to visit our website to check customer testimonials. 


Spend long time  on this topic. 

Promis that you will sent a list. 

Due to the nature of our work, we sign an NDA with all our customers to not propagate their information to any third-party. I hope you can understand that from our perspective, it s a compliance restriction. We do work with the following industries to name a few:

  • Tech

  • Finance

  • Logistics

  • Pharma

  • Health & Wellness

  • Education

  • Real Estate

  • FMCG

  • Storage & Warehousing 

  • Chemical Companie

  • Oil & Gas 

  • Manufacturing Companies

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

Is it possible to contact a similar business to check how are they doing on the platfrom?


Be as clear as possible about this point. most likely this is the first time the partner has heard about this model and they are afraid to try it.

So, sympathize and explain clearly to turn the argument to your benefit.


Promis to provide detailed information about the partner's compitator on the platfrom.

I can give you a number of examples or high-level statistics on how partners can perform on our platforms. You will be able to get an idea of how you may perform when you list your products/services. 

We work with a large number of partners both local, regional and international partners. They all depend on to reach with their products/services to corporate employees. All these listings will be visible to you on the platform too so you can compare. Further, you can change the discount % as you go to suite consumer needs more. 

As your transactions will be protected too, it will not be possible to expose competition transactional information to you either before or after the listing. All of this can help you. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

Is it possible to contact a similar business to check how are they doing on the platfrom?


Be as clear as possible about this point. most likely this is the first time the partner has heard about this model and they are afraid to try it.

So, sympathize and explain clearly to turn the argument to your benefit.


Promis to provide detailed information about the partner's compitator on the platfrom.

I can give you a number of examples or high-level statistics on how partners can perform on our platforms. You will be able to get an idea of how you may perform when you list your products/services. 

We work with a large number of partners both local, regional and international partners. They all depend on to reach with their products/services to corporate employees. All these listings will be visible to you on the platform too so you can compare. Further, you can change the discount % as you go to suite consumer needs more. 

As your transactions will be protected too, it will not be possible to expose competition transactional information to you either before or after the listing. All of this can help you. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

If I cancel my subscription during the year, will I get a refund?


Be as clear and firm as possible about this point.


Spend much time on this one. 

Open the door for negocioation on this point.

Canceling during the year will mean that you are not scheduled for renewal next year. You can cancel by sending an email to When you get a confirmation, your products/services will be removed within 2 weeks. 

There will be no refunds for canceling as the subscription fees for the first year will have been consumed already for building your pages. 

During the subscription year, you can reach out anytime to our operations team for any technical and functional issues. This team is dedicated to helping you materialize your goals from listing on the different platforms we maintain. 

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

Can I change the corporate rate I provide throught the year?


11:30 am

Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.


Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

Can I list more than one product or service?


11:30 am

Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.


Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.

We ensure that you will get the needed visibility. But we don't assure any sales. 

How do you let the employees know about my product or service?


11:30 am

Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.


Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simple drag and drop elements like text, images and links, or connect to data from your collection. Tell people more about the services you offer. Use this repeating layout to display content. It's an easy way to keep your customers up to date with what's happening. Want to make this content your own? Simply drag and drop elements.

Can I pay the yearly Subscription in more than one installmen
How much sales are you going to gerate for us?
What do you want from me; I’m a very small vendor/supplier?
Is like the Entertainer/Groupon?
How much discount do I have to give?
How will I know if a customer has come through
Can you email me the names of the companies you currently work with?
Is a Mobile App?
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